How Long Does It Take To Write 1000 Words Article/Blog Post?

This is a question that plagues many content writers. How long should it take to produce 1000 words of quality content? The answer, like many other things in life, is “it depends.”

Even though it’s quite impossible to say exactly how long it may actually take to write up a 1000 word article, we will have a look at the factors that may come into picture when writing a 1000 word blog post.

Before we begin: 90% of the content in this blog post is written with the help of Jasper AI and you can do that too!”

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How Long Does It Take To Write A 1000 Word Blog Post?

A lot of people say that they can write 1000 words in an hour. And while that may be true for some people, it’s definitely not true for everyone. In fact, for most people, it’s probably not even close to true.

Depending on the topic, the research involved, and the writer’s skill level, it can take anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days to write 1000 words (Especially if it’s something very technical that you are going to write!)

If you’re under a time crunch, it’s possible to get the job done in an hour or two, but the quality of the writing may suffer.

How fast can you type? Most people can type anywhere from 40 to 60 words per minute. But did you know that the average person speaks at a rate of around 150 words per minute? 

That means that if you’re just transcribing what you’re saying, you could probably get those 1000 words done in under 7 minutes. But of course, writing is more than just transcribing what you’re saying. 

It takes time to come up with ideas, plan what you’re going to say, and then actually say it in a way that makes sense and flows well. 

For most experienced content writers, typing out 1000 words will take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. And that’s if you’re already pretty familiar with the topic you’re writing about. 

If not then even an experienced content writer would take several hours to craft a well-researched article. If you need to do research or are otherwise unfamiliar with the topic, it could take even longer. 

The best way to approach this task is to break it down into smaller chunks. If you can write 250 words per hour, then it will take you four hours to complete 1000 words. 

This may seem like a lot of time, but remember that you can always take breaks and come back to the task later if needed.

With practice, you’ll be able to estimate how long it will take you to write 1000 words, and you’ll be able to adjust your schedule accordingly. 

How To Write 1000 Word Blog Content Of The Topic You Have No Idea About?

Writing 1,000 words in a day on the topic you know is easy peasy, but it’s not necessarily easy when it comes to writing 1000 word content on the topic that you have heard for the very first time.

For this, it requires focus and determination to sit down and commit to making progress on your writing project. 

But if you set aside some dedicated writing time, break up the task into smaller chunks, and stay organized with your ideas and outline, it’s definitely achievable. 

Plus, the satisfaction of completing that word count goal can be incredibly rewarding. So while it’s not necessarily easy, it’s totally worth the effort to accomplish that 1,000 word milestone in a single day. 

How To Write 1000 Words In 1 Hour

If you’re facing a tight deadline and have to crank out 1000 words in just one hour, the key is to focus on quality over quantity. 

Start by organizing your thoughts and creating an outline so that you have a clear direction for your writing. Set a timer for 25 minutes and use that time to write as fast as you can without stopping to edit or revise. 

After the 25 minutes are up, take a short break (let’s say 3 mins of break) and then set the timer for another 25 minutes to continue writing. 

For the last 10 minutes, review and edit your writing to polish it before submitting it. 

By breaking down the task into manageable chunks and prioritizing swiftness over perfection, you’ll be able to produce a solid 1000 words in just one hour.

Tips to Cut Your Writing Time Down

If you’re a content writer, then you know that time is of the essence. There’s always a deadline to meet and a new project to start. 

But what if there were ways to cut down on your writing time? Here are four pieces of advice that will assist you in doing exactly that.

1. Write In Short Bursts

One of the best ways to cut down on your writing time is to write in short bursts. This means setting a timer for yourself and writing as much as you can in that timeframe. 

Once the timer goes off, take a break and then start again. This technique will help you to stay focused and get more done in less time.

2. Set A Daily Word Count Goal

Another way to cut down on your writing time is to set a daily word count goal. This will force you to be more efficient with your words and help you to stay on track. Once you reach your goal, you can stop writing for the day.

3. Prepare An Outline For Your Article Before You Begin Writing.

If you want to save time, then outline your article before you start writing it. This will help you to organize your thoughts and ensure that you don’t waste time going off on tangents. Plus, it’ll make the actual writing process go much faster.

4. Don’t Edit As You Go

Finally, don’t edit as you go. This will only slow you down and make the process more difficult than it needs to be. 

Just focus on getting your thoughts down on paper (or screen) and worry about editing later. You are free to make changes whenever you like in the future. 

By following the above tips, I’m sure you can cut down on your writing time and get more done in less time because trust me I have followed the above steps and my productivity rate has increased!

How to Organize Your Content While Writing a Blog Article?

When you’re writing a blog article, it’s important to keep your thoughts organized so that your readers can follow along easily. 

Here are four tips to help you organize your content while writing a blog article:

Write an outline. This will help you determine what topics you want to cover in your article and how to transition between them smoothly.

Make use of headers and subheaders. This will help break up your article into smaller, more manageable chunks for your readers.

Use bullet points or numbered lists. These are great for highlighting key points or steps in a process.

Use images, infographics, or videos. These can help break up the text and make your article more visually appealing.

Now that we’ve gone over some tips for organizing your content while writing a blog article, let’s take a closer look at each one:

1. Write an outline: 

A good outline will help you keep track of what topics you want to cover and the order in which you want to cover them. 

To write an outline, start by brainstorming all of the ideas you want to include in your article. 

Then, arrange those ideas into a logical order. Once you have your outline, you can start fleshing out each section with more detailed information.

2. Make use of headers and subheaders: 

Headers and subheaders are great for breaking up your article into smaller sections. This makes it easier for your readers to scan through your article and find the information they’re looking for. 

When using headers and subheaders, be sure to use keywords so that your article is more easily found by search engines.

3. Use bullet points or numbered lists: 

Bullet points and numbered lists are an effective way of highlighting key points or steps in a process. 

They make your article easier to scan and help ensure that your readers don’t miss any important information. 

 4. Use images, infographics, or videos: 

In addition to helping break up the text, images, infographics, and videos can also help explain complex concepts or provide visual interest. 

When selecting images, be sure to choose ones that are high-quality and relevant to the topic of your article. 

Organizing your content while writing a blog article is essential if you want your readers to be able to follow along easily. 

By using an outline, headers and subheaders, bullet points or numbered lists, and images, infographics, or videos, you can help make sure that your thoughts are organized and that your readers can find the information they’re looking for quickly and easily.

Can You Write 1,000 Words In 5 Minutes?

Well, you can’t, but an AI content platform like Jasper AI can definitely do that, and you can have a well-written high quality 1000 word article in just 5 minutes.

I’m sure you would say that’s bullshit, just like how I thought the first time when I came to know about Jasper AI, but that thought soon went away once I tried Jasper AI. 

Personally., it was taking me around 2 to 2 and a half hours to write an article of 1000 words on a topic that I was familiar with. 

But now with Jasper AI, it takes around 5 to 10 minutes to get the initial 1000 words ready and then around 15 to 20 minutes to edit the article. 

I spend more time editing the article because I want it to look good with different headings, adding some of my own sentences and thoughts into the mix!

Overall, I would say it won’t take more than 30 minutes for me to have a perfectly written and edited 1000 word article. So, can you write 1000 words in 5 minutes? Oh, Yes! You very well can!!

Have a read on this: Is Jasper AI Worth It?


In conclusion, it takes a lot of time and effort to write a high-quality 1000 words article. 

However, by following the tips provided in this blog post, you can make the writing process easier and more efficient, and hopefully, you will be able to write an article within an hour.  

Also, don’t forget to try out Japer AI, because even you can write the exact same article as above in just 30 minutes or less.

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