Tips To Do Keyword Research For Your Affiliate Marketing Campaign

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular side-hustles out there currently. When done right, they can be an easy source of extra income. The problem is that most people are not doing it right without even knowing it.

The main source of this? A lack of well-done keyword research. With such a large amount of people getting into affiliate marketing every day, knowing how to properly find keywords for your affiliate marketing campaign is guaranteed to set you apart from most of the competition here. 

Take these 5 tips with you, and in no time, you will see your rankings soar above the rest!

Importance Of Researching Keywords For Affiliate Marketing

First, it is crucial to understand why properly researching keywords is so important, especially when it comes to affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a numbers game. It doesn’t matter how good your pitch, email, landing page, or any kind of content is if nobody sees it. This is where Search Engine Optimization(SEO) comes into play. 

Without effective keywords and good use of them, too, it is incredibly hard to guarantee that your campaign will gain traction beyond your own personal following. So, how do we break past this and create those monster affiliate marketing campaigns? 

Keyword research!

Affiliate Marketing Keyword Research Tips

Narrow Your Focus Into A Niche

When you start looking for great keywords to use, the best thing you can do is to narrow down your focus into a specific niche. A niche is a specialized section of a given group or topic.

It can be challenging to gain traction with a food product campaign when you’re competing with every other person selling food on the internet as well. 

Paring your sights down to vegan food, however, eliminates a massive amount of competition. This move also can allow you to focus on honing which keywords you’re using and how you optimize your metadata.

When at this stage of keyword research, you should begin to think about what your audience is looking for. You can also think about what this audience is likely to be convinced into buying. Much of the time, these needs are already there; you just have to provide a solution.

You can use SEO tools like SEMRush to compare and contrast how saturated particular niches are and what the likelihood of gaining traction in one of them is. The goal here is to optimize your campaigns’ potential reach, so you’re really going to want to target those larger niches with low competition.

Use Google Keyword Planner

Google is the source of a tremendous amount of traffic on the internet. When looking for the best keywords to rank higher on Google, what better place is there than the source?

Google Keyword Planner uses Google’s own analytics to show the performance of any keywords and what other words are used and associated with them. 

This works exceptionally well when using the software to optimize your ads’ performance, as it was initially designed for just that. All you have to do is start a Google AdSense account, and you’re ready to begin.

You can submit a full list of keywords to the planner, and it will show you exactly how each one is performing and, more importantly, performing against each other. You can use this to narrow down your focus even more, giving your affiliate marketing campaign a much greater chance of success.

Research On Amazon

When it comes to online commerce, there are not many places that come close to the sheer volume of Amazon. Anyone looking to move products and get the most out of their affiliate marketing campaign would be wise to study how Amazon’s marketplace behaves.

Doing a simple search of a potential niche or product can provide you with a lot of insight.

What are the top search results?

What keywords are they using the most?

What keywords are being used in the metadata of the listing?

These are all important questions to go over when analyzing Amazon’s search results. If these products are at the top, then that means they work. 

Knowing more about what leads to more traffic on Amazon can significantly increase the likelihood that your affiliate marketing campaign will be as optimized as possible.

Make Sure Your Keywords Profit

There is no point in spending the time to craft an effective affiliate marketing campaign filled with the best keywords if the audience isn’t looking to buy anything.

Some keywords are destined to be duds when it comes to converting traffic into sales. A keyword may be extremely popular, but if it is mainly associated with the term free, it is much less likely to see profits.

This can also be true of anything that might be purely used for information searches. Something that is doing incredibly well but usually follows how-to is also much less likely to convert your traffic into sales.

However, a successful keyword that usually follows “where to buy” or “best” is much more likely to result in sales.

Check Niche Competition Levels

If your target niche is oversaturated with the competition, then there aren’t many quicker ways to guarantee your affiliate marketing campaign is dead in the water. If the competition is successful, then it’s even worse.

Be sure to use your SEO tools and keyword planners to look into which niches and keywords are seeing a higher level of traffic with lower instances of use. 

You can also use tools such as Moz to see how effectively your competition is performing in the market. If their optimization is on the lower end, then they will be much easier to surpass.


Ultimately, making the most out of keyword research can set you and your affiliate marketing campaign up for a great deal of success. Hopefully, utilizing these tips makes the process as easy as possible.

Doing the work and researching keywords separates you from a lot of the competition. Finding great keywords takes care of much of the rest.

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