What Can You Do If Your Website Doesn’t Drive Leads?

Your website has been up for a while but it is not generating any valuable leads, what are you going to do? Can you identify what is wrong with the website? 

Well, this article is focused on delivering the best possible solution for generating leads through your website. This article presents to you the best options for optimizing your website and generating potential leads without any hassle. 

When it comes to intensifying your website traffic and leads, you need to first identify the “reason of why your website is not generating any leads”. When you know the fault then solving the problem will be much easier. 

After completely understanding the article you can identify the reason for low or nil leads and strategize a perfect solution. 

The importance of website lead generation is often overlooked. Your social media engagement is high, newsletter and email marketing is getting awesome responses but lead generation is nil from your website. 

When you look at some of the best lead generation strategies, it heavily relies on the performance of the website, meaning, leads generated through the website. Yes, there are some spectacular tools that can help you in generating leads but having a perfect lead generating website is always a bonus. 

No website owner wants to say, “my website does not generate or bring in leads.” It will affect the whole team as well as the company. 

We have solely focused on the root problem of a website that is unable to generate leads and have provided the best possible solution for it. It is your responsibility to select the best solution that suits your needs and sky-rocket your leads. 

Why is your Website not Generating Leads?

An ideal website is judged by a number of criteria and for a website to be successful, it needs to meet all the criteria. There is no compromise, every “I” should be dotted and every “t” must be crossed. 

The perfect handling of the website will require ideal conditions to be followed without any mishaps. If the visitor feels that something is off on the website then they might not proceed to complete the desired action. 

In most cases, the visitor will not come back again. Therefore every single step involved must be tread carefully. 

The following points are curated after careful research into the best lead generating websites. Subtle changes can bring in sublime results. 

Never miss any of these functionalities or features on your website. 

Missing Call to Action 

Why don’t you give a reason for the visitor to stay on your website? 

People visit websites for two main reasons; one, to read and gain information, two, to make a purchase. Both these have a common element and that is an attention-grabbing CTA. Give them a valid reason to stay on your website. 

Yes, the information provided on your website is great or the product/service you sell is extraordinary but without a valid CTA, things go in vain. 

The moment you fail to guide the visitor to the next step, you start missing leads. A strong, bold and clearly visible CTA button will nudge visitors to the next step. It is like invoking an involuntary action to proceed further. 

It not only drives leads but also provides the visitor an opportunity to stay and explore your website. 

There are certain qualities to a CTA button, one of the most prominent ones is being direct in conveying the message to your website visitors. 

A CTA button with the text “Subscribe now” will assist you in increasing your email newsletter subscribers. Similarly a CTA with “Add to cart” will allow the user to go directly into purchasing more. CTAs not only increase your leads but also expand your brand revenue. 

Placement of the CTA is extremely important, the most commonplacing is either on the top or bottom of the page. But still, there are more apt places where you can place your CTA buttons. Like near a downloadable product or next to the demo or trial version you are offering. 

Whatever is your idea of having the perfect CTA button make it happen. Unleash the true potential of your website and start to drive in more leads. 

Say No to Complex landing Pages

Landing pages are like an extension of what you are trying to sell to the consumer. Make them the best, no compromise when it comes to delivering a top-notch landing page

When you are projecting something as an extension of your prominent feature, why make it complicated? Shouldn’t it be easier to understand?  

The landing page or the visitor should not force the visitor to move away from the website. Yes, you will most definitely try to put as much information as you can on the landing page but please don’t make it clumsy or clustered. 

If you do that, then you can bid adieu to your potential leads. The reason is simple, when the visitor understands what you are trying to convey on your landing page then they will automatically get in touch with you. 

A perfect landing page is a work half done, therefore make the landing pages simple yet informative at the same time. 

The best landing page is not sufficient, you also need to know where to place your CTA in that landing page. If your call to action is hidden in the bottom text then there is no use in perfecting the landing page. 

Every aspect of the website must be given utmost attention and perfection. 

Landing pages are one of the most noticed ones on the website and they when perfected are capable of generating tons of quality leads. So make the lead-generating gold mines simple and effective. 

Most importantly, often check CTAs placed on the landing page, make sure it works each time someone clicks on it. 

Minimal graphics, clear uncluttered design, and mandatory fields, all these put together will make a perfect lead-generating landing page. Design the landing page in such a way that the most important information grabs the audience’s attention in the first place. 

Make your landing pages stand out. Let the information and presentation guide the user to the next step. When you include a contact form on the landing page, remember to ask only the important and mandatory questions that are required to follow up. 

If the landing pages are too long to read or complete then you need to think of another solution. Boring and long landing pages are a major turn-off for any potential leads. 

Long Contact Forms 

As mentioned above, long useless contact forms are a major turn-off for any website visitor. He/She may visit the website with an unadulterated intention to buy. But when they come across a long and boring form, they take a step back and never think of completing the purchase. 

As an organization, there should be some predefined structure to come up with short and clear contact forms. With a predefined structure, it will be easier to implement it on the go. 

When a user completes and submits a contact form, it is a potential lead and can be easily converted. Contact forms are one of the most common ways to receive business leads. When leads start to drop on your website then you need to look back at your contact forms. 

Every single person visiting your website may not be potential customers but your potential customers among the everyday website visitors. 

Tips to optimize your contact forms

  • Test the form if it is submitted with the information to the sales team 
  • Ask feedback about the from third-parties 
  • Audit form fields often
  • Add compelling CTA

Your contact forms must be placed appropriately in a position that is visually appealing. A clear and precise contact form has the capability to improve the audience credibility factor towards your website. 

Troubling Navigation 

The destination is imperative but at the same time, the route taken to reach the destination is also important. 

Don’t mess up your website navigation, it will completely ruin the user experience. When the user is not interested in exploring your website then the chance of them getting converted into a lead is zero to nil. 

The main reason for landing pages and contact forms to have a simple design is to not confuse the visitors. The visitors can be easily distracted from the main information when they are presented with confusing navigation. 

When you think from a website visitor perspective, you can easily say that a majority of the users will scan the entire website instead of reading it line by line. So, if you cause any hindrance to the scanning process, well, that is not good. 

Keep the navigation simple, place easy-to-spot forms and CTAs, provide only vital information, when all these are combined together, drive-in leads are bound to increase.

Provide the space that a user needs to think, gain information and sue your entire website. The best-practiced method is; the headline on top, CTA either on the top right or top left. Based on the majority of populations’ reading habits, this format proves effective.

Simpler navigation not only increases visitors’ engagement but also puts them at ease. Plan properly to keep your visitors engaged and at ease.

Incomplete Information or Content 

When you ask the question “Why is my website not generating leads?” The first thing to be concerned about is incomplete content. 

As a website owner, it is important to let the visitor know what you are doing. By delivering incomplete content, you make it impossible for the visitor to understand your product or service. 

It can create chaos and will drive away any visitor you get. So be sure to deliver imperative and complete content. 

You have a couple of minutes, that is your window, a couple of minutes is all it takes a visitor to judge your website and its content. Remember, first impression would always make the best impression.

If your content does not resonate with your visitor in terms of tone, feel and content information, you can never expect any lead or engagement. 

Also, make sure that your content on the website is error-free. State only facts, no assumptions or predictions. It will ruin the reputation of your website. Grammatical error-free content with actual information is always a turn-on for the visitor. 

Delivering content perfectly will bring in more leads than you can imagine. 

For example, when your product or service is about providing the best popups for websites, your content should be focused on the benefits that popups can bring to the website. On the contrary, if the content is about the cons of the website there is nothing more damaging. 

Talk about your product or service and the extensive solution it offers to modern-day problems. Resonate with the market trend and develop the ability to reflect audience pulse through the content. 

It may be technical or casual, make it worth the while for the visitor on your page. 

Not Friendly to Mobile Devices

The increase in the usage of mobile devices is rapid. Every single day the number of mobile or portable devices (mobile phones, ipads, tablets) being used for imperative purposes is on the rise. There are many surveys to prove it. 

So, what is the use of having websites that are not mobile-friendly? 

Being old school is not recommended if you are aiming to reach the top ladder in the digital spectrum. 

A potential lead may come from any device, you need to be prepared for it. A potential lead may be on the verge of conversion but what happens if your desktop site is not supported on their mobile device. A lead lost is a lead lost, there is no other way of saying it. 

The trend of using mobile devices to shop, read and involve in digital activities is on the rise. Get used to that and make your websites mobile devices friendly. Leads from mobile devices are possible and are a “happening thing” in the digital ecosystem. 

Start with a mobile device responsive website. Ensure all the pages are perfectly responsive on mobile devices, and that includes smartphones and tablets. 

Don’t expect visitors to get home or office and access your website on a desktop computer. Prepare your website to be reached from any device. Whatever may be the device, your website must be responsive and perfect to that device. 

Optimize your Website

Optimize your Website

Optimize, the word literally means, make the best or most effective use of. Optimizing your website means delivering the best-performing website in the digital space. 

Apart from perfecting every aspect of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), there are still areas that need to be improved for having a completely optimized website. 

Optimized websites generate more leads, it is a no-brainer. But it is not that simple. There are various factors that contribute to the optimization of a website. Develop a strategic approach towards optimization. 

Focus on the key areas that need to be improved and from there start the process of optimizing. Below are some of the imperative pointers that deliver the best results. 

The true potential of Forms 

Before you start optimizing your website, make a note of the current lead generation state. It will be useful in the later stages to track and measure the potential of proper optimization. 

To begin with, initiate a thorough audit to determine the imperative source of your online traffic and outreaches. This will help you to narrow down the lead generators. 

Below are some of the common places where businesses generally get visitors from;

  • Email marketing 
  • Social media 
  • Live chat 
  • Blog posts

Once the identification process is completed, you need to make sure that the pages they land on have everything that is required to convert them into a customer. The emphasis must be subtle yet powerful. 

There is nothing like forms that can nurture a visitor into a lead. Forms, placed at the right place, with the minimum, mandatory fields to fill will increase your lead generation exponentially. 

As mentioned above, forms are an imperative part of lead generation but their placement is of humongous relevance. 

Let me give you a scenario, as a result of your audit, you identify that a majority of your inbound visitors are coming by clicking on the Instagram promotion. So make sure that the page on which they land is filled with top-notch content, the content will keep them engaged while the presence of forms will push them to get in touch with you. 

A visitor may come from any place, and it is your responsibility to optimize the pages for lead generation and conversion. 

There is nothing wrong with providing longer-form content on the most visited pages but make sure that it is followed by a perfectly present form. 

Measuring Performance on a Regular Basis

The activities you do are important but measuring the outcome of those activities is mandatory. It will help in determining the next step.

Similarly, when it comes to your current lead generation, you need to measure its performance it. Yes, there are some tools available for measuring and it is your duty to select the right one that suits your needs.

When a landing page in your website performs well and compares it with the page that is not performing well. This will paint a clear picture of what went wrong on the page that is not performing well. 

Also by measuring the progress of your website and the performance of your landing page on a regular basis you can find out where things go south. 

Optimize – An Ideal website

When you hear the term “website optimization”, the first thing you remember is SEO. SEO optimization is a fairly common method that brings in results but remembers there are other most important factors. 

These are some factors that are often overlooked when it comes to website optimization. An optimized website will rank higher, will have more traffic, and eventually will bring in more leads. 

An important thing to remember and to “NEVER” do is: when you get more traffic or visitors for a particular blog post, don’t make an offer in that particular blog post. It will ruin the visitor experience on your website. 

You can place offers and special discounts on the most visited page on your website but make sure that it does not hinder the user experience. 

The basic and most important thing to do when a visitor lands on your page is to learn about their conversion path. The conversion path usually starts with a visitor landing on the page and (optimistically) filling the form to get converted. 

There are certain cases where the visitor’s path does not end with the desired result. If it happens often, then you need to go over your conversion plan and path. 

The key factors in enabling conversion and perfectly optimizing your websites are;

  • CTA’s – use of contrasting colors to attract visitor attention, combined with perfect placement. 
  • Landing pages- As mentioned before, landing pages must communicate with the visitor on an emotional level. 

Here are some of the best landing page designs that can inspire you.

  • Thank you – And appreciation for the visitors’ effort in becoming a part of your product or service. 

In the majority of the cases, the “Thank you” pages will not get the required attention on the website. But the impact of a thank you page is huge, it should never be overlooked. A perfectly designed and executed thank you page will increase your promoters when it comes to net score. 

An ideal website is not impossible to achieve but it takes time and patience to reach it. Every single aspect of the website needs to be perfected. 

A page once optimized will bring in wonderful potential customers, meaning, quality leads who require a little push or nudge to get converted. Make the most of your website, as it can enhance every aspect of your operation. 

Offer Free eBooks 

People are always on the lookout for free resources that can help them to enhance their skills and knowledge in any particular field. Take leverage of it. 

When you have a couple of long, quality, and information-rich blog posts, why not compile it and release it as a free ebook? When you offer quality content for free, there is always demand. Take advantage of that demand. 

When a visitor is looking to download the free ebook, just ask for their email address in return. This process will grow your email list at a rapid pace and also will bring in new customers. 

If the visitor is satisfied or happy with your free ebook, then they will become a regular visitor to your website. In most cases, they will refer to your site if they are on the lookout for any new information. 

This increases your visitor base and down the line will help you in converting most of the visitors into loyal customers. Yes, the process takes time but will give you exceptional results in terms of new leads and a loyal customer base. 

You can also create blog content that promotes your free ebook. It is a common meeting place of lead generation and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 

An ecosystem where both are compiled with the best possible elements that can enhance your website performance and lead generation. 

Lead Generation – Plugins and Tools in the Digital Spectrum 

Lead Generation

You might have heard about some exceptional tools and plugins in the digital ecosystem that can help you in the lead generation process. 

But not all tools in the digital world are suited for you. First, know your business requirements, look into things that need to be done. Search for a plugin or tool that can do it. 

I get it, there will be no plugin or tool that perfectly matches your requirements but select the closest one and start working with it. Over a period of time, there will be a gradual increase in quality lead count. 

Below we have mentioned some of the best-performing tools and plugins that have an impact in the current digital spectrum when it comes to lead generation. 

Cart Recovery 

If you are an eCommerce website owner, you will definitely know the revenue lost due to abandoned carts. 

You may think, “What is the relation between cart recovery and lead generation?” well, there is a relation, if you look closely. 

The best cart recovery plugin will assist not only in recovering abandoned carts but also will enhance your chances of getting and getting quality leads. 

When a cart is abandoned by a user, the plugin installed for cart recovery will send reminders at particular time intervals. This will help you, as a store owner, to identify whether the time spent on that particular item is wasted or not. 

For example, when a couple of emails are sent out to a customer who has abandoned their cart, and you receive no response from them. Then you can either push them manually or move on to the next task at hand. 

This will help you to segment who are interested in your product or service and target them specifically. 

When you have a list of potential customers from your website and cross-check it with the list collected through abandoned carts, you can easily filter the potential customers. This process reduces time and effort in identifying potential leads, also, it will make sure that no email is sent out in vain. 

Cart recovery in your store is a step-by-step process with perfection required in each stage. With a wonderful plugin to establish and elevate your recovered cart rate then it will be converted into revenue soon. 

Use the best plugin to get the best conversion rate.

Live Chats

The use of AI-based personalized chats is on the rise in recent times. It provides a personalized and interactive user experience. 

Live chats allow users to get their queries clarified instantly and will assist the website owner to pinpoint the intention of the visitor. There are certain chat applications in the market that allows you, as a website owner, to fetch visitor details at any instant. 

Along with the opportunity to interact with the visitor, live chat enables a constructive bridge between the visitor and the website owner. 

This will allow the website owner to understand the type of audience they receive. When you are not receiving the visitors you expect then it is time to change the strategy. This allows you a chance to refine your strategy in getting the right visitors to your website. 

Make the implemented chats as lively as possible and ensure that it does not feel artificial. Get lively with the visitors to convert them into loyal customers. 

Website Popups 

The true potential of website popups is yet to be discovered. Popups if used correctly can provide you an immense amount of leads in a short span of time. 

One of the widely used popup plugins in the digital space has a proven track record of delivering immense results in terms of quality leads. 

There are numerous purposes for using popups, but the bottom line is to grow your email list. When a visitor engages with your popup, there is a high chance of getting your hands on their email address. 

When a visitor subscribes to your newsletter or accepts your special offer by giving their email address. You are getting a step closer to your potential customer. So, a popup always is an effective tool in gathering invaluable email addresses from the visitors. 

Whatever it may be; the moment you overuse it, it loses its effectiveness. When handling popups, as a website owner you need to know when and where to place them for enhanced leads. 

If there are popups on all your pages, then the visitor will never get back to your website. Unwanted or overuse of popups will shrink your audience base. Never do that, know how to generate more leads with the help of popups.  

There are numerous types of popups that can be used, select the one that meets your website requirement and design. Depending upon your audience base and website requirement select the perfect popup design template. 

From SEO Perspective 

When it comes to website design or website optimizing, SEO cannot be left unnoticed. Often underrated yet highly effective SEO optimization techniques are crucial for any website to gain traction and increase leads. 

Perfect SEO optimization is underrated most of the time. It has a major impact on lead generation. 

For websites to reach optimal SEO standards there are plugins and tools, especially in the WordPress spectrum. The plugins allow you to easily optimize your website without much hassle, but you need to know the rules before you start playing. 

There are so many well-written articles available about selecting the right plugin. Make sure that you do the required research before zeroing in on the plugin. It will enable you to make progress at a quick pace. 

The SEO tool must smoothly integrate with your website and should allow you to intensify the lead generation process. 

You can use a plugin of your choice, but it needs to be effective in ranking your website at a higher position. 

All the SEO techniques are aimed at one thing; increase website ranking and make progress in generating leads. Therefore focus the efforts on improving your website ranking. Increases ranking, more visitors, more leads; it is simple as that. 


Yes, it is possible to increase your leads, both in terms of quality and quantity. Expand your horizon and gather more leads that can intensify your business growth. Pave a path with perfect strategies that can increase your revenue and audience base. Monitor your growth and effectiveness regularly. Fix the holes immediately else they can sink the entire website. 

Good luck in gathering more leads. 

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